The Walking Dead: the source of the virus revealed by the creator of the comic book

While the latest volume of the comic book "The Walking Dead" has just been released in France, its creator Robert Kirkman revealed on Twitter the origin of the virus that caused the mutation of beings into the living dead.
One of the great mysteries of modern pop culture finally solved! On his Twitter account, the screenwriter  Robert Kirkman returned to the origin of the virus at the heart of his famous comic  The Walking Dead ; questioned on this subject by a reader, the author indeed revealed that the infection originates from a "space spore" , information which he had so far always forbidden to reveal, by respect for the rules of the zombie film as established by the productions of  George A. Romero (among which the banishment of the word zombie or the ban on running the undead…).
The series recently stopped (the last volume of the comic book was also released in France last week at Delcourt editions) and this is probably the reason why Kirkman finally resolved to reveal the origin of the virus, a revelation that is ultimately "anecdotal" since beyond the infection, the series is essentially devoted to showing the face of the human species faced with the danger of extinction, and how such a catastrophe would be both a source of rallies ... but also of divisions, like the ideologies advocated by extremist clan leaders such as Negan and Alpha.